-To assist potential new clients to find the Top 10 Attorney in their area, Attorneys are listed by region, area, or city for this State.

-Gaylynn Gee
8923 Larchwood Dr.
Dallas, TX 75238
Phone: 214-718-0915

-Natalie Lauren Webb
The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C.
325 N. St. Paul St
Ste 4450
Dallas, TX 75201
Phone: 214-871-2730

-Rebecca Lott
Verner Brumley Mueller Parker
4311 Oak Lawn Ave
Ste 450
Dallas, TX 75219
Phone: 214-526-5234

-Mary Johanna McCurley
Verner Brumley McCurley Mueller & Parker
4311 Oak Lawn Ave,
Ste 450
Dallas, TX 75219
Phone: 214-526-5234

-Amber K. Shemesh
MAS Law Firm 212 w spring valley rd
Richardson, TX 75081
Phone: 972-789-1664