-To assist potential new clients to find the Top 10 Attorney in their area, Attorneys are listed by region, area, or city for this State.
-Contreras Law 402 West Broadway Ste 1200 San Diego, California 92101-3542 Phone: 619-238-0616 www.contreraslawfirm.com
-Law Offices of David C. Beavans, APC 7675 Dagget St Ste 140 San Diego, California 92111 Phone: 619-234-7848 www.thesdlawyers.com
-Garwood Attorneys, ALC 1450 Frazee Rd Ste 501 San Diego, California 92108 Phone: 619-692-8100
-Men’s Legal Center 940 C St San Diego, California 92101 Phone: 619-234-3838 www.menslegal.com
–Milligan & Mitchel, LLP 409 Camino Del Rio S # 101 San Diego, California 92108 Phone: 619-303-4200
–Primus Family Law Group, LLP 2650 Camino Del Rio N Ste 301 San Diego, California 92108 Phone: 619-574-8000 www.primusfamilylawgroup.com