-To assist potential new clients to find the Top 10 Attorney in their area, Attorneys are listed by region, area, or city for this State.
-Traystman & Coric, LLC 45 Channing St. New London, CT 06320 Phone: 860-440-0755 www.traystmancoric.com
-ACP Law Firm, LLC ACP Law Firm, LLC 1028 Blvd, Ste 227 West Hartford, CT 06119 Phone: 860-560-6005 acp-lawfirm.com
-Rutkin, Oldham & Griffin, L.L.C. 5 Imperial Ave Westport, CT 06880 Phone: 203-227-7301 rutkinoldham.com
-Wolf & Shore, LLC 3190 Whitney Ave Bldg 5 Hamden, CT 06518 Phone: 203-745-3151